Internet of things (IoT) is the science of connecting standalone devices initiating data transfer between them subject to networking rules comprising Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and implementing the best delivery of IP packets between devices. Connectivity between passive devices is IoT in operation with monitoring and optimizing processes via onboard sensors adhering to protocol-governed communication but having smart devices transmit determining the best course of action asks for more intelligence-sharing and constitutes Internet of Robotic things market. IPv4 has a shortfall of addresses by accommodating up to 4 billion addresses and so cannot fulfill the enormous connectivity. This is mitigated by IPv6 that is in evolutionary stages and has an address space far exceeding IPv4 and sorts out any limitations in address space. This proves to be a limiting factor in Internet of Robotic Things market. Internet of Robotic things market is mainly enhanced b...
The global solar back sheet industry is projected to witness growth over the next eight years. It is the outermost layer of the photo voltaic module. The PV back sheet is intended to safeguard the internal components of the module, specifically the electrical components and photovoltaic cells from external stresses. In order to achieve this, the solar back sheet must be a robust construction, usually a three layer laminate and have very high dielectric properties. Growth in the global PV back sheet market is currently being driven by the financial incentives being offered by federal and state governments. Reduced production costs, together with technological advances and government policies, have been the most prominent factors contributing to the expansion of the sector. This, along with the research and development initiatives being undertaken by several research institutes, has contributed to the growth in installed capacity. The global back sheet industry is growing at a fas...